Meet Maria Mena
Currently I am...
trying to maneuver my way through work and Norway's third lockdown. I’m kind of happy that I'm used to working from home so the transition wasn’t THAT hard for me but, like everyone else I am very ready for this pandemic to be over. ;)
It’s a really good day at work when...
I've written something I like. I don’t know if i ever feel as good as I do when I’ve written a good song.
My home office looks like...
Everything I do creatively happens in my head so as long as I have my phone, to write little notes in and record small audio snippets on, I'm good anywhere!
When I have time off I like to...
make dinner and invite my friends over. Have deep and meaningful conversations and drink cocktails.
My first holiday destination post COVID-19 will be...
I miss Amsterdam, and playing at their famous venue paradiso. I want to take my boyfriend to Holland And ride a bicycle through Amsterdam.
My first love affair was...
with those cd booklets. I would put on a record and listen snd i would read every word of the song, and the dedications in them.
The last book I read was...
I read poetry so the last book of poetry i read was André Bjerke’s collected works.
I like to style a boyfriend shirt with...
red lips and messy hair.